Silver Seams

Digital products. These are embroidery machine designs, which generally require an embroidery machine to run - though as part of my open-source ethos, I include the SVG source so if you're adventurous, you can print them out and replicate them with a conventional machine! (Try it on a freebie first.)

3D Plush Designs
3D Plush Designs

Fully dimensional plush designs made right in the hoop of the embroidery machine. Most require no hand finishing beyond sewing the turning opening closed.

Basic Plush Designs
Basic Plush Designs

In-the-hoop plushies that are made from flat-sewn pieces. Look at 3D Plush and Design Packs for more.

Design Packs
Design Packs

Packs of multiple designs - usually a themed set of charms suitable for garlands, wreathmaking, and/or coasters.

Embroidery Designs
Embroidery Designs

Conventional (not in-the-hoop) embroidery designs.

In the Hoop Designs
In the Hoop Designs

In-the-hoop designs that don't fall into other categories - snap tabs and the like. Don't miss the in-the-hoop 3D Plush, Basic Plush, and Design Packs.