Silver Seams
Two of my tiny dragons, one in 3mm minky and the other in 1mm.

Short pile

Fri, 14 Mar 2025

Finally: comparison babies in regular and short-pile minky.

These are two of the nominally-3" baby dragons, one in purple Shannon Cuddle 3 and one in wine Lazy Lamb short-pile. The "3" in Cuddle 3 refers to the pile length, 3mm, and the Lazy Lamb is 1mm.

In the past, I've done short-pile dragons but in mochi, which is a 1mm minky with spandex. The extra stretch makes stuffing them without bloating them a challenge, and the non-spandex minky leads to sleeker babies. I'm not really sure which one I like better.

I've made product pages for the purple glass-horned dragons and merlot/wine glass-horned dragons along with Dragonheart and Scarlet Scimitar, and their actual listings will go live Sunday the 16th at 6pm EDT. The latter two are true one-of-a-kinds, while the purple and wine dragons all have slight variations plus glass horns that are a discontinued bead. I have a few more of each of the colors, but not many, and it's unlikely I'll make more of these color combinations.

It's been a long time since I've done a shop drop, and I'm genuinely not sure what demand will look like, but if you want to make sure you can order as quickly as possible, make a Ko-Fi account in advance since that's where they'll be.

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