A library full of dragons
Wed, 08 Jan 2025
Phasing out most of the tiers means finally getting back to the on-site library, since I have discovered that things don't work quite as well as I'd hoped when it comes to keeping people's access to reward designs. Because I'm a nerd obsessed with self-hosting, I've been putting together a way for people to download the things they have gotten on any of my sales platforms.
I should have had it up and running sooner, but like the art dragons I got away from working on it, even though it was nearly ready for testing. That's annoying now, because I absolutely forgot I promised my tiers both the Standing Dragon 2 and Baby Standing Dragon 2 for December.
Now, to be clear, nobody paid for December, I guess I could go "whoops, now I have no way on either Ko-Fi and Patreon to give you access, guess you gotta buy it" and it wouldn't be a big deal but... I promised.
And my library will very easily give me a way to grant access. And it would be a fun way to test it, and normally I would say "folks, send an email to [the library address] to register yourself, and you'll get this design free in return for putting up with not-fully-functional software."
Except I'm about to hop a plane for a funeral because spouse's brother died on Christmas Day.
I'll have access and all, but I really want to do this while I have time to handhold the software and that will, y'know, not be this weekend.
So if you were a member of one of the Free Design tiers, and you want the design, email silver at silverseams dot com rather than the librarian and I will manually send it to you. Or wait until next week and get it from the automated librarian. (If you weren't a member... Baby Standing Dragon 2 is available on both Ko-Fi and Patreon, no membership required although the Patreon membership does grant you a discount that will pay for the membership with that one design!)
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