Mon, 02 Sep 2024
I can't even explain why this happened.
The (adult) kids, and sometimes the spouse, play Splatoon. I don't, but the graphics are cute and lend themselves to charms, so I had it on my "do for the kids" list. There are existing designs out there, and I try to steer clear of anything that's going to get a cease-and-desist, so it wasn't a design for the shop.
And then the topic of SquidTember came up on the socials and, well.
To be clear, I have nothing to do with these groups except being a fan, it just made me keep thinking about squids.
A couple hours later, I had the simple charm but also, somehow, a full eight-arms-two-tentacles (look it up!) version. Which, again, I cannot sell in my shop.
Of course, as the feature image suggests, there's still a shop entry for it, tentatively marked "Free to members" but y'know what, I think I'm going to say "free to donors." Donate to one of the Squidtember groups (for choice, local-to-me Skype a Scientist), and let me know you did it and I'll email you the design. A caveat: the "instructions" for the 3D version assume you're familiar with my 3D designs, so it's just a series of fourteen photographs, no text. At some point I'll write it up, or I can share the instructions for the Minimalist Frog or something.
(I am going to add a non-Splatoon squid to the to-do list though.)
To be clear: the instructions are not the usual ones (yet, anyway), and it's an embroidery machine design. (I mean, you can print out the SVG and do the eyes in applique and follow the lines with a sewing machine, an embroidery machine is just a CNC sewing machine.)
Karen at Silver Seams