September 2024 rewards are out
Mon, 23 Sep 2024
Not gonna lie: making a different design for Patreon and Ko-Fi was a mistake. 😅
The Standing Chihuahua is done, in a considerable range of sizes. Two of them fit in a 4x4 hoop (there isn't a lot of range between them, but I always like to make the very smallest possible design available).
This has a smidge more hand-sewing than I'd like, but I think it's worthwhile. It's not challenging sewing, at least - you just follow the dotted lines on the underbody, and the head insertion is as easy as I can make it (the same technique as Bunny Lop uses).
And the Standing Dragon is also done. I have some questions for Past Karen about the size range of the Baby Standing Dragon, because it was meant to go with the original Standing Dragon, such that it looked up at its parent. And the 5x7 Standing Dragon and 4x4 Baby Standing Dragon, the original sizes, do that. But the rest of the Baby sizes don't match up at all. I'm gonna go back and revise the sizes on the Baby, I guess. I think what I was thinking was "the adult dragon doesn't work at 4x4 so it will never be a reward design" and, in fact, the adult dragon does work at 4x4, even at 3mm? I can't explain my past self.
The funny thing about the dragons is that I decided to make the published designs jointed rather than the "unibody" design because I felt like the latter was too complicated to explain because of the underbody dart(s) and somewhat finicky stuffing... and then I confidently forged ahead with the exact same body style in the Chihuahua.
I guess now that I've written those instructions, I can convert them over to the dragon version and publish those designs as well. I'm going to wait for a little more feedback on the design, because I'm running designs without testers right now. This request is still open, and if I don't get some takers I'm going to have to reconsider my life choices. I really need to minimize the time I spend using my problematic thumb (it's getting worse, not better), which means I need to delegate.
That's also why I haven't made any progress on the art-doll unicorn and its design - the last three weeks have just been the two reward designs, and resting the thumb in between. Yes, I should have just picked one design and punted on the other one, but there were sunk costs. I am very smart.
No, the blog autoposter didn't break. The blog author kinda did. 😩
Karen at Silver Seams
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