Silver Seams
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat.

July plans

Fri, 28 Jun 2024

I have a history of making plans for the Ko-Fi and Patreon rewards, only to get bitten by the Pareto principle (or burrito principle: 80% of the filling ends up in the last 20% of the tortilla). I ran into that with the Rosy Maple Moth: taking pictures of and explaining the armature wiring was a lot more than I had counted on. And yes, I will still be adding more pictures once I've given my sprained(?) thumb adequate rest. Or the orthopedist finally gets me scheduled for more scans, whichever.

Anyway, with that said, I think I'm in good shape for July. The early-access design was a tie in the polls between the ram and strawberry, so the solution is obviously: they'll both happen. The ram is already finished and the strawberry is nearly so, though I'll do some more demonstrators. They're just flat charms, so the only thing needed is writing the specific doc with picture, cutting sizes, and seam notching diagram; creating all the cover images; and writing up all the shop entries. Yes, there's a lot of overhead on designs, as much as I try to streamline it.

Oh, and also cleaning up all the ultra-fine 10mm hairs shed by that fabric.

For the main design, it's going to be a "two lesser designs" month: the Minimalist Frog, though not its video at first, and the Hawk Moth. The instructions on the latter are the same as the Rosy Maple, so it's not as much of a commitment as it sounds, and I actually made some of the samples before the Rosy Maple so it'll start out with better promotional pictures than the poor Rosy.

And if you've followed me on socials, you've seen I've had a lot of littler designs in the works. Now that the polls are over I'll wrap up and release the Noto Rose, Twemoji Pumpkin, and a bunch of Halloween designs to hopefully get a jump on seasonal selling.