Silver Seams

Dropped a drop

Mon, 14 Jun 2021

While the scheduled shop drops have mostly kept me on track, they obviously havenā€™t entirely done it, and if youā€™ve been keeping track this past Saturday should have been a drop andā€¦ it wasnā€™t. Iā€™m going to go ahead and list the mystique dragons when theyā€™re finished rather than wait for a drop since theyā€™re not limited-edition.

And on that note: these arenā€™t velvet, theyā€™re plain mystique spandex (think swimwear). Why have I not been making dragons out of this before? Well, because I had in my head that it was unsuitable for turning at small sizes. So Iā€™ve been stockpiling remnants here and there of fancy ones, and turns out I could have been making dragons out of it all along.

Theyā€™re still temperamental: without the fluff of minky or even velvet, the slightest misalignment of a seam will show, and they show any lump of misplaced stuffing. And maybe thatā€™s what I was thinking: that theyā€™re too small to interline, which solves the latter problem and is definitely something Iā€™ll do if I make larger mystique dragons. Which I might.

At any rate: the third-Saturday drop will have some more dragons from discontinued fabrics, and if my schedule works out right, the first of the larger dragons. These will be Choly Knight and BeeZeeArt and CirquellCuriosities patterns at first because Iā€™m still testing out different armature ideas ā€“ and because itā€™ll help me gauge my speed at sewing things when Iā€™m not also developing the pattern for them.

Iā€™m also going to experiment with a sort of Dutch auction, which I unofficially did with the cohoot. The prices will start out high, and Iā€™ll run an increasingly higher percentage-off sale every week or two until it sells. Iā€™ll include the schedule in the listing, which I didnā€™t do with the cohoot, so folks can decide whether theyā€™re willing to pay a higher price or risk having someone else buy it first. Folks with the newsletter discount code will have a jump on the price reduction, of course. And will know when I have put those mystique dragons in the shop.

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