Have a Super MAR10!
Wed, 10 Mar 2021
As teased in the article on resizing designs with Ink/Stitch, I have a little classic Mario pixel-art design as a freebie today. There are two versions: one in satin stitch, one in brick fill. In both cases, every other block is rotated 90 degrees. This has two effects: it keeps the “pixels” from running together, and it also helps equalize the pull so the design stays square. It’s still going to cause some shrinkage on fabrics that are prone to it, so test the design before you commit to it on a piece of knit clothing, and adjust the positioning so the colors correctly meet for whatever you’re stitching on. I can’t sing the praises of JoAnn’s blackboard vinyl enough for nice, stable embroidery, but even it will ripple a tiny bit with this much stitching.
I’ve combined the design with the larger valet tray; it also fits in the 4×4 hoop version but I didn’t happen to have any vinyl cut that size. And obviously we accumulate bits of Switch paraphenalia that are a little too big for the smaller tray anyway.
[Pixel Mario (ZIP)] [Pixel Mario in Satin (ZIP)]
As usual, the ZIP files contain every format Ink/Stitch currently supports, as well as the SVG source file. You can use the source to generate new formats if Ink/Stitch has added them since, and also to re-size the design without goofing up the stitch density.
As less usual, here’s a link I’m going to put on my freebies.
[Toss a coin to your stitcher! (Ko-Fi)]
I’ve set up a Ko-Fi account so if you like this design and feel like you should pay for it, you can. You don’t have to (especially if you’re not using it commercially), but I like to pay for software that gives me value, and maybe you do too. Thanks!
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