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2024 October Newsletter
Wed, 30 Oct 2024
Welcome to the newsletter! It's still a work in progress - among other things, the individual tags don't really work to make individual newsletters, so this newsletter is it. I'll probably do a blog roundup section in future newsletters, but I've turned off the weekly automated one for now.
October Shop Drop
I didn't get the newsletter together in time for a proper shop drop, so these will make their way into the shop one at a time but if you want to snag them before that, there's newsletter-only pricing:
Tiny Peacock Dragon (2" Standing Adult, thread-jointed)Holding this one for a giveaway to one lucky newsletter subscriber at the end of November!Purple Witch Dragon (4" Standing Adult, embellished): newsletter only
Strawberry Frawg (7" Minimalist Frog, strawberri mochi): newsletter only
Batty Bunny (8" Bunny Lop, skull face and bat ears, sitting beanbag body): newsletter only
If you're interested in something, drop me an email and I'll set up a listing or invoice wherever you want to buy it. US shipping is included.
November Previews
I am shooting to have one of the art-doll dragons ready to go every month, and November's or December's (we'll see how it goes) will probably be the Celestial Dragon. I'm more than a little disturbed that I went to look for its progress pictures in the blog and realized the entries about it are from 2019. That can't possibly be right. (Okay, I did kinda burn out hard on the velvet dragons.) At any rate, if I can come up with all its pieces, and wings that I'm happy with, that'll be the drop's centerpiece.
If you have been a long-time collector of my dragons, you'll have noticed that the dragons look a little different - the Tiny Peacock obviously is one of the jointed ones, but even the Purple Witch has different feet. That's the version I'm putting together for my embroidery-design folks, and I hope to be able to tell you soon that you can buy them from other people. But in the course of writing the tutorial and making cover images, I'll be making a number of basic dragons in different sizes, so some of those will land in the shop drop. If you want the older "paw" style, I will always still make those to order as well.
As you might suspect, the November drop will have any bunnies that don't make it into October, and hopefully a lot more besides - I have a lot of fun fabrics.
Join me where the skies are blue!
If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you know the current incarnation of Silver Seams basically happened because of Mastodon, a Twitter replacement I joined in 2017. Folks there really liked the beanie dragons and convinced me to put them on Etsy, and things went from there.
I jumped ship for Bluesky in November 2023, and it's really taking off. I run a couple of Feeds there (the curated timelines that supplement your following timeline) including one of plushie/art doll makers. Interested? Plushie Makers Starter Pack 1 and Plushie Makers Starter Pack 2 will get you going. You can pick and choose who to follow from it, or just import the whole thing and unfollow individual accounts if they're not to your taste.
And if you'd like to see the rest of the photoshoot at the top of the page with the dragon and dice, you don't have to log in: it's right here.
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