Shark domo?
Wed, 12 Mar 2025
I have another 3D design in progress. I really shouldn't post previews when I haven't even tested the shape out, but this one was just irresistible. Sometimes you just have to trust the process.
Not having to do one of these every month will, I think, result in better designs overall. There's a certain limit on how many designs I can come up with without feeling like I'm doing the same ones over and over. The Hammerhead and Blue Sharks felt that way a little, only rescued by the fact that the Hammerhead could be done in fewer hoopings. This one is sufficiently different from anything else, I think.
Anyway, despite me saying I might do some "fan" works, this design isn't Domo Kun. It also isn't a shark, despite borrowing the toothy mouth (with slight adjustments).