Star Baby... and friends
Wed, 18 Dec 2024
I forgot this was End Of Year Get All The Medical Things Taken Care Of season, and I'm the designated driver for a number of family members, so that's what I've been doing. Waiting-room time is sometimes design-creation time, so I decided to do some expansion on the Star Baby, which dates back to the "all the options in one file" era. I gave it all the current Kawaii Face selections (I really should put that design out as standalone, it's a lot of fun adding it to things) and, as you can see, a whole bunch of variants. Some will go well with the 3D option, like the full-body Santa, some won't (the iced cookie, which is going to be difficult to turn but will make a great felt or vinyl version).
Now, you may have guessed by the future tense there: I haven't had a chance to test all these new variants and sizes yet. So I haven't replaced the existing file, it's still the first download and you can play it safe.
But I've added the new options, my notes on making them, and the usual general instructions, and if you're okay with untested designs, go nuts! If not, sometime in January I'll have them fully tested and the full documentation and whatnot updated. (As always: once you've got the design in your library you can always download the latest version.)
(Today was driver-for-myself day: I have reached the aging milestone of Get Cortisone Shots In My Knee.)