Overcommitting again
Fri, 22 Nov 2024
It's the fourth Friday which means, on my self-imposed plan, newsletter day. So I opened up my newsletter draft and realized that I need pictures of the shop drop. Which Past Karen apparently believed could plausibly consist of eight dragons, two of them velvet art-doll types.
I have one test wing, and one not-yet-cut-out final wing.
I of course had not planned on taking two extra weeks on the advent calendar. So I'm bumping the newsletter to Monday (subscribe! there's a drawing!) and we'll see what I actually get done. I'd like to have the Shield Dragon 2 and one of the plush dragons finished, which is doable this weekend. I had hoped to have a smaller Celestial finished but have realized I may not have enough black velvet for that. Time to stock up before imports become a problem, I guess.
Meanwhile, I've got plenty of cobalt blue, so I might see if I have a good wing-membrane fabric to go with that. Overoptimistic? Overoptimistic.
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