Silver Seams
A tiny plush dragon with a tiny witch hat next to it.

Unibody dragon

Wed, 09 Oct 2024

Forging ahead with the unibody dragon; might not make much in pattern sales* but at least I'll have little dragons to sell. I had hoped to do a little more embellishment on this one, but I think I'm not going to overdo the thumb and just call this enough.

The glittery encrusted "ribbon" that makes spikes along its spine

I was going to make a shaped frill add-on, and I still will at some point, but I decided I didn't want to mess with embroidering on the stuff I picked for this particular one. That's encrusted glitter, not glitter-shaped texture vinyl, and while it's easy to get a needle through I suspect it would cause looping.

The dragon's head, with conical horns.

This link will probably not age well, but here's what I used for the horns. Plastic Cone Strung Beads. They are, as the name suggests, plastic. Very plastic. I talk in the Standing Dragon design instructions about turning the horn nubs into horns by sinking the bead end into them, and that's what I've done here. The loops on those are big enough it made it a challenge, and I wouldn't use those on smaller-than-5x7 dragons.

Anyway, I'll probably write up a little thing about how I did the back spikes, and it'll appear in the Ko-Fi and Patreon first, then make its way here.

* though I've seen a tiny uptick in membership after blitzing Facebook again.

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