Silver Seams
Closeup of the embroidery needle down in the fabric.

Periscope down

Mon, 01 Jul 2024

I'm not going to promise it'll actually happen, but I have told myself I'm supposed to only work on the video, and the video only.

It's a little bit of a yak-shave: to be able to get the right angles on the embroidery machine and work table, I will have to do a lot of reorganization in the work room. Spouse has built a new embroidery-machine stand, which means moving out at least one of the astonishingly heavy (and indestructible) Boeing-surplus desks.

This puts me in a dilemma: social media presence demands constant fresh content, or when I periscope-up I may find that it won't let me tell anyone the video is ready. So I'll probably do a lot of little projects like emoji, things I can do without messing things up too much. And when I get to making-video level, I'll have clips and stills.