Silver Seams
The product picture for the Roll for Initiative pack

Roll for initiative!

Fri, 12 Jan 2024

January 2024 rewards are out, and I'm pretty happy with them. I think I'm getting my momentum back.

The Roll for Initiative pack has been bouncing around for quite awhile, and finally gelled for me. As I said when I started it, I wanted a nerdy wreath for my own front door. I made the big Roll scroll and the Welcome. And then I made some dimensional D20's that I haven't been brave enough to try gluing up. That's a bad sign: if I don't want to try it myself, it's going to be hard to write up for anyone else to do.

So I made a flat version of the D20. I was really pleased with making three D20's for my address, but realized it might be problematic for folks with different numbers. I went ahead and put a 0 on the D20, which is wrong, but then added the D10/D100, which runs 0-9 or 00-90.

That was four designs: Welcome, Roll, D20, D10. The fifth one had me stumped. I tried a wizard mini. Wasn't feeling it. I tried a dungeon map. Still nope. It'll be mixable and matchable with the Adventurer pack, which is almost ready to go, so all the best monsters were spoken for already.

I even started a couple replacement rewards, but suddenly it came to me: I had to add three more designs.

Home, with a D20 for the O

And that makes me especially happy because the design is very usable for non-gamers as well now: you can put all kinds of things in there, including the Kawaii Snowflake (with or without face) which is free to everyone right now.

Home, with a snowflake for the O

The Kawaii Snowfriend, now in early access, is not quite as O-shaped. We have a sign in our house that reads "No Place Like Home" but New Jersey is the O, and I insist on reading it "Like Hime."

Home, with a snowfriend for the O

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