Purple dragonborn paladin
Mon, 21 Jun 2021
I’ve been a little radio-silent for the last week for a couple reasons, and this is one of them. I have wanted to make one of Choly Knight’s anthro dragons for some time, and I decided to make one for my husband for Father’s Day. And so I did.
It needs some better photography; the dragon fabrics have shown up in tiny dragon form before and I’m still not happy with the photography there: purple scaly, white/silver (belly), and gray/silver (horns). And the vinyl I used for the armor is also iridescent. Here it is under my sewing light, which is also an LED array but it’s a tight cluster rather than the light box’s ring light:
Uncharacteristically, I followed the patterns pretty much exactly.
The rivets are all embroidered; I actually have rainbow rivets but they’re a little too rainbow for this vinyl.
I think the one exception to the directions was that I didn’t try to topstitch the seam allowance down; the pattern calls for felt and I didn’t want to try to feed the vinyl smoothly. So I just pre-topstitched the pieces, and it worked fine everywhere except the back of the helmet.
Overall, I’m pleased with how it came together, and I think you’ll be seeing some of these in the shop – dragons, but also other characters, like finally finishing that faun.
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