Buried treasures
Fri, 12 Feb 2021
In the course of organizing the too many projects I have going on, I have also been figuring out which tiny-dragon colors need restocked and which ones have just never even gotten listed. The bejeweled beanie is literally Task ID (but not priority) 1 in my Taskwarrior list, but since I stopped stocking the beanie dragons I hadn’t decided whether I’m going to do that or not. I’m thinking I’ll put it in the shop here rather than on Etsy.
There’s a 4″ adult dark-lime in the Etsy shop, but no 3″ baby – and partway through finishing those I realized I still had a shamrock one, which means these have been languishing for a year.
My goal is to finish four of those a [week]day, which so far has meant I haven’t worked on many other projects.
But here’s one more buried treasure: a buried lede. Yesterday I got nothing done because I spent the day at the South Jersey mega-site waiting in line (and then waiting in the car while my husband waited in line; we got scheduled separately) to get my first Fauci ouchie. New Jersey has been doing Phase 1C for awhile now, and we had appointments in April but just last week got an email from the state that the new mega-site was in operation and did we want a sooner appointment? YES WE DID. Won’t be fully protected for another month, just a few days after our one-year lockdowniversary, but the end (or at least an end) is in sight. I’ve dashed off an email to the volunteer program at Head Start hoping they’re letting us back in to read to the littles. It doesn’t help my productivity (especially on days I end up spending the whole day there instead of the “hour” it’s supposed to be) but it helps my soul.
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