Old year, new year

It’s ornament-embroidery time. Here’s a little design to help out.
Ink/Stitch has all kinds of built-in lettering, so if you’re using that you don’t need this at all. But despite my urging, not everybody runs it. It’s free! You can just follow screen-by-screen handholding tutorials to do things like name fobs! So if you don’t, here are some pre-made year stitches for both 2022 and 2023. You can embroider the year on the backing piece of minky or felt for the gingerbread charm, embroider it on a quilt piece that you’ll finish this year (or next), etc.
The file includes twelve different archives inside it: each year in six different alphabets. Possibly I’m biased: three of the six I chose are my own (Bluenesia, DinoMouse, and NickAinley). The square in the featured picture is an inch a side, so you have an idea how large they are. They’re all in the smallest version of their alphabet, so if you need larger ones Ink/Stitch can very easily do them.