Zelda: Skyward Sword Loftwing Snap Tab
This is a simple two-color embroidery design: the first color is the Triforce and Loftwing. You can put that on things other than snap tabs if you’d like.
After you’ve stitched that out, put a second piece of vinyl (or felt or Oly-Fun) on the back of the hoop before stitching the second, outline color. Cut it out, insert your snaps or rivets, and that’s it.
If you want to get extra fancy, like I did, stick an NFC sticker over the back of the stitching before adding the second vinyl piece, and back up your expensive Loftwing Amiibo to it.
[Zelda Loftwing Snap Tab (1 Up, 4×4)] [Zelda Loftwing Snap Tab (2 Up, 4×4)]
This is copyrighted by Silver Seams in the year noted in its URL, and licensed under Creative Commons’ CC-BY-SA. This basically means you’re free to sell items you make from it, provided you give reasonable attribution, and that if you modify it you’re required to share your changes with the world under the same license (the actual legal bits are in the link).
This is a fan work, not licensed or endorsed in any way, so it’s up to you to get any other permissions you need from the IP owner.
As with other free embroidery patterns here, the SVG file is included in the ZIP package so you can modify it in Inkscape and produce your own variations/sizes/etc.