Vaccination Card or Double Biz Card Window
This design isn’t a standalone, but instead makes a windowed panel that you can insert in a passport cover, zipper pouch, or similar design. It’s the right size for a US vaccination card, or for a double-height business card.
Unlike most of the freebies on this site, the instructions are included in PDF inside the ZIP files. Aside from their length and being in black-and-white, that’s what the instructions on my paid designs are like.
As with other free embroidery patterns here, the SVG file is included in the ZIP package so you can modify it in Inkscape and produce your own variations/sizes/etc.
This is copyrighted by Silver Seams in the year noted in its URL, and licensed under Creative Commons’ CC-BY-SA. This basically means you’re free to sell items you make from it, provided you give reasonable attribution, and that if you modify it you’re required to share your changes with the world under the same license (the actual legal bits are in the link).