Silver Seams
Embroidery Patterns
Sewing Patterns
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Archive of posts with
category 'Picture'
My extended family includes very literal people
Cat and wolf
Happy Labor Day (US)
So I’m on TikTok
Not really sure how to answer this
Ink/Stitch 2.0.0 Lettering Sampler
Shop inventory update
I’ll be right back
How not to use a Cameo 4
At least I can see if my bobbin’s about to run out
Happy Memorial Day!
Help, I can’t stop making butterfly dragons
Have a cookie
Still in transit, still arriving late
Cohoot plushie
Still more mochi
Then and now
Color choices don’t always work out
Pandemic shortages
One out of three ain’t bad
I gave in to temptation
New year, new… well, new year anyway
The 2020 dice countdown calendars are here!
It’s advent-calendar time again
Getting ready for Halloween
Shiny things for my hoard
I got a sticker!
Bat things happen in Philadelphia. Bat things.
Dragon rainbow
Today in “weird things to embroider on”: clothesline
Happy Labor Day!
The disadvantage of the light box…
Farmers market flowers
Arguably the best mail we ever received
Empty nester
My sewing spot was stolen
Wren update
Wren update
Adventures in product photography
Christmas in July?
The Carolina Wren
Olivia vs. the Celestial Dragon
Box of dragons
Flower break!
Too soon?
An extremely normal day on the embroidery machine
More standing plush dragons
The next logical step
Shaggy avocado doughnuts
The sea dragon is done!
Embroidery machines are amazing
Antique sewing bits – awls and tomatoes
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