Archive of posts with category 'Meta'
We're done! Except for the actual moving.
After the big move, I'm going to give up and create a Facebook group, since that's what works, I guess.
Never expected to see this trio again.
There's never a good time to get food poisoning, but I think I've discovered the worst.
It could have been worse.
The end of November/start of December slipped past me in the chaos of that week.
The largest JoAnn in the state opened a month ago and I finally swung by it and... whew.
I may have made a terrible mistake
Let's look at what happened in October.
The (glitter-)dust is starting to settle, I think?
Evidently Amazon is shutting Fabric dot com down.
Still pretty discouraged.
Awesome. Shopify may have killed my business.
Okay, not really. But simplifying some of my designs.
Never get an embroidery machine you can't lift.
I usually try to take weekends off, but I was all over the map this one.
Let's look at what happened in September.
Life with ADHD means a constant battle with the calendar.
Last week's trip involved picking up a new-to-me embroidery machine.
I joined the Indie Sellers Guild.
Let's look at what happened in August.
Clearly it's Market Research Week here at the blog, because I have questions.
Embroidering on tiny minky dragons isn't very practical, so for some personalized dragons I suggested some little collars.
Let's look at what happened in July.
Past Karen had some questionable taste in patterns.
I finally got around to trying out a new eye option.
Finally finished the dragon version that inspired the frog.
I haven't posted on Taskwarrior, and ADHD, in awhile.
Here's your permission, in Manuskript Gotisch so it's official.
I have way too many unfinished projects right now.
Apparently there's an Etsy strike happening next week.
Instead of getting the new zipper pouch design up, I fixed the forum's server and made a double-dragon valet tray...